The youngest subdivision of KSMU was created on the basis of the interdepartmental phantom class in 2009 and received the name “Center of Practical Skills”. Since November 2019, the Center for Practical Skills has been operating in the new status “Multidisciplinary Accreditation and Simulation Center”. The center is intended for practical training, current and intermediate certification, final state certification of the degree of mastering practical professional skills by students and trainees of the faculty of advanced training and professional retraining of specialists.
On the basis of the Center, the practical skills of graduates are tested annually – the most important stage of the state final certification, when students demonstrate the practical skills and abilities acquired during their studies in performing therapeutic and diagnostic manipulations, methods of cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and possession of medical instruments. Also, the Center trains students who additionally study surgical disciplines in specialized circles, holds regional student Olympiads in various disciplines, prepares teams for participation in the Olympics. Using the technical capabilities of the Center, an exam is carried out with the issuance of a document on admission of persons who have not completed the development of higher medical or higher pharmaceutical education, as well as persons with higher medical or higher pharmaceutical education to carry out medical or pharmaceutical activities in the positions of secondary medical or secondary pharmaceutical personnel.
The modern equipment of the Center allows for thematic improvements in the following areas: neonatology, obstetrics, gynecology, anesthesiology and resuscitation, endoscopy, ultrasound diagnostics, cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
In accordance with the goals and objectives set, the Multidisciplinary Accreditation and Simulation Center is equipped with dummies, phantoms and simulators of various complexity, from the simplest to high-tech, as close to a person as possible and simulating various manifestations of pathology. There are possibilities for computer modeling of given clinical situations, their analysis and control.
Within the framework of the Center, specialized offices and thematic platforms-modules are organized: «Operating room», «Therapeutic dentistry», «Orthopedic dentistry», «CAD / CAM technology», «Surgical dentistry», «Delivery room», «Emergency department», «Department of Nursing», «Office of a physician-therapist», «Office of a pediatrician», «Office of an ophthalmologist», «Office of an otolaryngologist», «Department of manipulations and procedures», «Training pharmacy», «Office of ultrasound diagnostics and X-ray», «Department of endoscopy and laparoscopy», «Department of intensive care».
Module sites for primary specialized accreditation in the specialties: «Therapy», «Pediatrics», «Cardiology», «Neurology», «Oncology», «General practice».