Background for creation of the faculty was a high need in pediatric physicians in Krasnodar region. Associate professor of the Children Diseases Department V. P. Nastenko, who later became the first dean of Pediatrics Faculty, was at the origins of the faculty. Establishment of the third faculty made Kuban State University named after Red Army to the large higher education institution in the North Caucasus that allowed it to become medical academy in the following years (1996), and later university (2005). Throughout the following years the position of faculty dean was held by professor V. P. Nastenko, associate professors V. M Sysoyev, Y. M. Perov, A. Y. Nazarov, V. P. Boriskov, V. M. Nadgeriev, professors V. A. Tarakanov, I. I. Kutsenko, V. A. Shashel. From 2013 to the present day head of the faculty is doctor of medical science, professor S. E. Gumenyuk.
Education policy of pediatricians is put into practice under state program “Development of health care of Krasnodar Region”, subprograms “Staffing support of health system” and state-financed education, employer-sponsored education and study-for-fee form of education at the faculty. Now the pediatric faculty has turned into highly skilled division of Kuban State Medical University. Students are trained at 40 departments, 4 of which are graduating.
Education at faculty is performed on the basis of the State Educational Standard – 2 and Federal State Educational Standard of higher professional education – 3 generations. According to these standards educational and methodical complexes are tried and tested for each discipline at all departments including: working program, methodical instructions for teachers and students and for independent work of students. The great attention is payed to development of practical knowledge and abilities, introduction of modern methods of training of students in the form of testing, lectures with demonstration of slides, multimedia, business games, solution of situational tasks.
Teaching is carried out by highly skilled teachers: 38 professors, 44 doctors of medical sciences, 90 associate professors, 78 assistants to candidates of medical sciences. Academic degree holders rate of teachers makes 76%.
Council of pediatric faculty and Methodical commission of faculty deal with issues of organization, carrying out and optimization of educational process. An intra faculty monitoring system of quality of specialists training is carried out at faculty; first of all it is an introduction of the rating monitoring system of results of education which allows to objectively estimate each student, group, course, GPA of the disciplines studied in the semester and to compare these data with results of examinations. Level of training of graduates is estimated according to a progress rating, by results of State Final Examination.
Over the last 5 years 100% of graduates of pediatric faculty are assessed positively during SFE. The great attention is payed to educational work with students and formation, stimulation of development of the personalities of young people at the faculty. All working programs of the studied disciplines reflect aspects of work for development of moral, psychological and professional qualities of students’ personalities. Students of pediatric faculty can be employed and work on the majority of specialties not only in medical institutions for children, but also provide medical care to adult population after the graduation from higher education institution.