The Pharmaceutical faculty was founded in 1998 for training specialists with high education acquiring the profession “Pharmacy” with the qualification of a Pharmacist. At present both Russian and foreign students are trained at the faculty. For the period of its existence the Pharmaceutical faculty has trained more than 1000 specialists with higher pharmaceutical education for the public health service and pharmaceutical branch of the region, South Federal District and Russian Federation.
Training at the faculty is conducted by the chairs of medical-biological, pharmaceutical and clinical profile. The chair of pharmacy is the basic one: it provides teaching on the subjects of the professional block and has all the necessary facilities to make educational process highly resultative. Educational process at the faculty is organized due to the FSOS of the third generation and BEP in specialty “Pharmacy” and has all the necessary workbooks, learners’ guides and other instructions for highly qualified educational process.
9 types of training are carried out at the faculty. The students of the faculty study production of medications by the pharmaceutical enterprises, organization and realization of crude vegetal drug storage, acceptance and standardization, determination of wild herb resources etc. The sphere of the students’ interests also includes production technology, the quality control, the medical product storage, carrying out the chemical-toxicological research, organizing and implementing medication supply and rendering first aid to patients and victims of extreme cases, etc.
The students of the faculty take an active part both in the work of Students’ Scientific Society of the faculty, make reports at the conferences regularly, participate in grant programs and other social activities of the faculty.
The faculty has steady scientific contacts in different fields with a number of Russian and foreign educational institutions. It enables carrying out the professional activities of the faculty and performing such projects as “Improvement of teaching programs in biotechnology” Tempus project 511092-1-TEMPUS-2010-1-UK-JPCR, Cranfield University, Cranfield in 2011-2012 etc.
Since the setting up of the faculty a lot of different scientific symposia and conferences (including the ones with the foreign participation) have been held concerning the problems of the drug technologies, clinical pharmacology, pharmaceutical biotechnology, immunobiotechnology. Scientific achievements of teachers and students of the faculty have been presented at the numerous international forums.
Educational and methodical work at the faculty is organized and controlled by methodical Commission that provides highly professional level of training in the field of pharmacy.