It is the main subdivision of KubSMU and is an educational, scientific and practical association. Out of 341 teachers of the faculty – 52 professors, 83 associate professors, 16 senior teachers, 158 assistants, 21 teachers.
The departments of the faculty conduct active scientific work, embodied in hundreds of candidate and dozens of doctoral dissertations, thousands of scientific articles, patents for inventions and discoveries. The importance of research is emphasized by the publication of works in rating native and foreign journals, support by grants from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research and the President of the Russian Federation, and numerous awards.
Employees of the clinical departments of the faculty carry out active consultative, organizational, methodological and medical work in specialized departments of hospitals in the region and the city, conduct an expert assessment of the quality of treatment, review case histories, participate in consultations, speak at pathological and clinical conferences.
Over the past ten years, the faculty has carried out a serious reorganization of the educational process. And now classical teaching methods are combined here with the use of modern teaching methods. The clarity of the educational process is ensured by lecturing with the use of multimedia technologies, the use of computer technology in the classroom for demonstration of educational films, illustrations, and presentations.
To optimize the educational process, methodological guidelines, bases of thematic illustrative material, sets of tests and situational tasks are being improved. Many developed and published textbooks and teaching aids for students are included in the nomenclature of educational literature for medical universities in Russia and are recommended by the EMA as teaching aids for students of medical universities. The Faculty of Hales Care is equipped with practical skills rooms, in which students practice the skills necessary to perform the most important manipulations. New methods have been introduced into the educational process, including computer testing.